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Our School Day

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Our Policies and Procedures are here for whanau to access;


User Name: poroutawhao


Password: 1924




Our School Day

We operate Monday to Friday, from 8.30 am to 2.30 pm. 


Children are welcome in their classrooms and the playground from 8.00 am. Children who arrive after the second bell at 8:30 am are required to check-in at the office before going to their learning space.


Teachers will send children to the buses that leave between 2.15 pm and 2.45 pm. However, if you are picking children up, the teachers will send them out of the learning spaces at 2.30 pm. Please respect the learning time and wait outside the classrooms until the teachers release them.



There are buses available for children in our zone (Waiterere) and from Levin. Strict behaviour expectations are enforced to ensure all the children have a happy experience and can develop their independence in getting to school. 


If you need to change arrangements please let the office know directly. We will not allow a child to change the plans we have in place with you. If you need to change the way they are getting home on a particular day, we need to hear it from you. Thank you for your cooperation with this. We take our children's safety seriously.



We must know if your child is going to be away, be it for personal reasons or due to illness.  Please ensure you inform the office or your children's teachers of their absence and expected return, and let us know if they will be away for additional days. 


You can do this by informing your child's teacher's prior, reporting absence on the Hero app or texting 027 389 3256. Alternately you can phone the school office 06 368 6015 and leave a message on the answering machine.


If leaving a message, we need to know the reason for the absence, so we put the appropriate code next to the absence, for the Ministry of Education.



Children's property & lost property

Please ensure that your child’s property is clearly marked with their full name. Lost property is collected within teams and held on to.  At the end of each term, lost property is put on display, both physically and on the school Class Dojo app. Smaller valuables, for example, glasses are held at the office.


Children must not bring dangerous items to school e.g. matches, knives, firecrackers, etc.


Valuables, including phones, are discouraged. If they arrive at school they must remain in the child’s bag at all times. The school cannot be responsible for loss or damage to any property brought to school.


School clothing shop

To purchase Poroutawhao optional uniform, please contact the office at

School hats are compulsory in term 1 and 4. These can be bought at the office for $15 (PLEASE NAME CLEARLY)


Lunch online orders - Friday

Visit to make an online order


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School Communications



You can contact us, and stay up-to-date with what's happening, in a variety of ways which are detailed below. 


School App: Hero Linc-ed

Hero is our primary way of sharing live updates and important information with caregivers and providing efficient, as needed, communication. It is a great form of communication which can include videos, photos, student's work, upcoming events, your child's attendance, reporting absences, etc. You sign in via the email that school has on file for you after downloading the app. The icon looks like this... 


School email

Teachers and the principal check their emails numerous times a day and will respond to you during working hours. All current email addresses are under the 'Staff' page of this site.


We send out regular emails to caregivers for invoicing and surveys to hear your thinking. We will add your email address to our list and if your details change or you would like to add another family email address to receive these contact

(Please add: to your contacts list and check your email settings to ensure that emails are not filtered or blocked by your email provider.)


School newsletter

Newsletters are sent via both the Hero app and Facebook Page. They contain information for upcoming events, celebrations and general reminders and also information about school payments etc.


Parent Calendar

Here is the LINK to our parent calendar for upcoming events for the term. This is a live document so is updated as changes occur, and as such is the best way to keep up with current happenings a the school.

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